PINNACLE/UFC Certification Program
Thank for you for choosing PINNACLE spray foam insulation products and Urethane Foam Consultants (UFC) personnel
certification services. The UFC Site Quality Assurance Program (SQAP) has been created to reflect CAN/ULC S705.2 and CAN/ULC S712.2 requirements and
has been accepted by Canadian Construction Materials Centre (CCMC). In this role, UFC operates as an
independent, third-party Certification Organization (CO) with a mandate
to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements for installers,
contractors, distributors and manufacturers. At each level, UFC will
ensure training measures, documentation requirements and quality
procedures are in place.
Please choose the option below that fits your situation and follow the requirements in order to obtain certification:
Please choose the option below that fits your situation and follow the requirements in order to obtain certification:
1 – I NEED A NEW LICENSE - New installer’s not currently licensed and requiring training:
The following steps are required for those installers who do not currently have a valid or expired license card, or who have not attended a training program:
Upon completion of all above items a full 5 year certification will be issued.
The following steps are required for those installers who do not currently have a valid or expired license card, or who have not attended a training program:
- Successfully complete the Online Spray Foam Training Course.
- Complete and return the UFC Installer Application Form.
- Provide proof of insurance, minimum of $2 million liability (can be under employer policy).
- Provide a current, colour, digital photo clearly identifying your face.
- Successfully complete a written exam and practical evaluation administered by UFC. (Contact us to schedule)
Upon completion of all above items a full 5 year certification will be issued.
2 – I HAVE A VALID LICENSE - Experienced currently licensed installers:
The following steps are required for those installers who have a valid, current license with another brand of spray foam:
Upon completion of all above items a full 5 year certification will be issued.
The following steps are required for those installers who have a valid, current license with another brand of spray foam:
- Complete and return the UFC Installer Application Form.
- Provide proof of insurance, minimum of $2 million liability (can be under employer policy).
- Provide scanned copy of current license card as well as proof of training (if applicable).
- Provide a current, colour, digital photo, clearly identifying your face.
- For valid, currently-licensed installers, a temporary license card will be provided upon receipt of the items listed in 1 - 4. This card is valid for 6 months from issuance, during which the installer is required to successfully complete a written exam and practical evaluation administered by UFC. (Contact us to schedule)
Upon completion of all above items a full 5 year certification will be issued.
3 – I HAVE AN EXPIRED LICENSE - Experienced installers with expired licenses:
The following steps are required for those installers who have an expired license:
Upon completion of all above items a full 5 year certification will be issued.
The following steps are required for those installers who have an expired license:
- Complete and return the UFC Installer Application Form.
- Provide proof of insurance, minimum of $2 million liability (can be under employer policy).
- Provide scanned copy of the expired license card as well as proof of training (if applicable).
- Provide a current, colour, digital photo, clearly identifying your face.
- Successfully complete a written exam and practical evaluation administered by UFC. The installer will not be granted a temporary license prior to completing the written exam and practical evaluation. (Contact us to schedule)
Upon completion of all above items a full 5 year certification will be issued.
Notable points of the Full License Cards:
- The PINNACLE / UFC certification will be valid for 5 years from date of issuance.
- All license cards will need to be renewed on a yearly basis.
- Once every 5 years the installer must successfully complete and pass a written examination and practical evaluation to maintain certification.
- Installers are certified by an ISO/IEC 17024 Certification Organization (CO) in compliance with CAN/ULC S705.2 and CAN/ULC S712.2 standards.

Pinnacle training solutions provide our customers with training and support needed to improve their skills.